What’s in a Name?

We’ve put our name on the wall. We officially own our home.

That’s not accurate, but our name on the wall with family pictures certainly helps make it feel like home.

It’s been nearly a year since moving into this house and we are nowhere near done decorating it. However, I did create a beautiful name to place over the few pictures we do have up.

Ages ago, I purchased some simple letters on Etsy and hung them in our old house. Those poor letters were done. We needed something new. Plus, this house begged for something better, more updated and something with a bit more pazazz.

I found a font I liked and to the CNC machine I flew. I’m still playing with the perfect size and perfect bridges and working on getting the cutouts just right, but I think it turned out pretty darn OK.

What are your thoughts?

Maybe we could make one for you. I have several fonts (see below) and we’re always on the lookout for more. 

Check out our Shop for pricing on letters!


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